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28 2023.04
Energy-efficient computing with tiny magnetic vortices
A large percentage of energy used today is consumed in the form of electrical power for processing
09 2022.12
In classical and quantum secure communication practical randomness is incomplete
Random bit sequences are key ingredients of various tasks in modern life and especially in secure communication. In a new study researchers have determined
02 2022.12
Global 5G networks can take enterprises to a new level
02 2022.12
Artificial neural networks learn better
Depending on age, humans need 7 to 13 hours of sleep per 24 hours. During this time, a lot happens: Heart rate...
24 2022.11
New algorithms help four-legged robots run in the wild
A team led by the University of California San Diego has developed a new system of algorithms that enables four-legged robots to walk and run on chall
18 2022.11
Four ways companies can protect IoT devices from cyber attacks
Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be invaluable to companies as they can operate their security camera systems, locks, lighting...
11 2022.11
Envoy connects tenants and CRE buildings
Workplace platform Envoy recently launched Envoy Connect, a real-time communication layer for property managers to ....
11 2022.11
Global 5G networks can take enterprises to a new level
A recent Frost & Sullivan analysis revealed that organizations are using private 5G networks to improve the....
04 2022.11
3 ways 5G is changing the manufacturing industry
The Manufacturing Institute released a study that examined 5G wireless......
04 2022.11
Ericsson: IoT adoption leads to more jobs